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Planning Board Site Walk Minutes 7-26-2017
6:30 P.M.
July 26, 2017

Members Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Steve MacDonald, Janet McEwen, and Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio).
Staff Present:  Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner).
Other Attendees:  Rick Davis, Applicant; Scott Burnside, Contractor; and several members of the public.
CTO:  Chair Condon called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.,
introduced the members of the Board and staff, and then turned
the meeting over to Mr. Burnside to explain certain details of
the project, which primarily have to do with the addition of
handicapped access to the Church and the creation of a parking area.
Mr. Burnside began with the handicapped access issues
and proceeded to point out where the ramp would go,
how it would line up with the building, and where the
handicapped parking spaces would go.  
He noted that, while the access ramp would be
connected to the side of the building where there are
now wooden steps, the front wooden steps will also be
replaced, probably with granite or something sturdier than the wood.
Mr. Burnside then moved on to the front and side yards
to point out the driveway access, the proposed parking
area and how the driveway would connect to the parking
, and the traffic circulation plan for the parking area.
Addressing an abutter’s concerns about water running off
of the lot, Mr. Burnside described how the parking area
will be pitched in toward the lot so that all runoff will go into an existing drainage ditch behind the Church.
Chair Condon asked if anyone had any questions.
 Mr. Davis wondered when the Board would be making
a decision and Chair Condon replied that the Board first needed a formal application.
 Mr. Burnside noted that when that application would be filed would depend in large part on
how much detail (i.e., engineering) the Board would require.
 Ms. Ogilvie noted that she had sent Ms. Giffin a Site Plan Review Checklist
with four additional items that were not on the Minor Site Plan checklist, and
that when Mr. Burnside saw that, he might be able to better determine how the application would proceed.
 Chair Condon said that the Board would take this question up at its next meeting in September.
There being no other questions, Chair Condon thanked everyone for being there and closed the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted By,
Carol Ogilvie